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Ina Keesler with her parents on McKenzie Road farm. Lura (age 7) and Ted (age 5) Hollenbeck, 1888. Nell Hollenbeck and her sheep. Nell Hollenbeck Nellie Bray Hollenbeck, Decatur Road. Nellie Bray Hollenbeck.  Photographer is H.S. Bigelow, Front Newton Woods School ca. 1913.  Ina Keesler on pony. Newton Woods School unknown date Newton Woods School, 1946-47. Newton Woods School, 1948-49.
ExhibitPlus Nellie Bray Hollenbeck.  Photographer is H.S. Bigelow, Front
Nellie Bray Hollenbeck

FILE NAME: Nellie Bray Hollenbeck. Photographer is H.S. Bigelow, Front.JPG  |  DATE: 1/21/07 2:34 PM  |  CAMERA: Eastman Kodak Company (Picture Kiosk G4)  |  RESOLUTION: 1467 x 2487  |  NATIVE FOCAL LENGTH: